2008年7月22日 星期二






2008年1月11日 星期五

Louis Jadot Beaujolais-Villages Primeur 2007


2008年1月9日 星期三

Jim Crow

最近在寫作文的期末報告,發現了Jim Crow這個單字,本來在奇摩字典查到的意思只是"指對黑人的種族歧視",但經由更深一層的了解,發現這個字有很深遠的歷史與來源。


The Jim Crow laws were state and local laws enacted in the Southern and border states of the United States and enforced between 1876 and 1965. They mandated "separate but equal" status for black Americans. In reality, this led to treatment and accommodations that were almost always inferior to those provided to white Americans. The Jim Crow period or the Jim Crow era refers to the time during which this practice occurred. The most important laws required that public schools, public places and public transportation have separate buildings, toilets, and restaurants for whites and blacks. (These Jim Crow Laws were separate from the 1800-66 Black Codes, which had restricted the civil rights and civil liberties of African Americans.) State-sponsored school segregation was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of the United States in 1954 in Brown v. Board of Education. Generally, the remaining Jim Crow laws were overruled by the Voting Rights Act. None were in effect at the end of the 1960s.
During the Reconstruction period of 1865-76, federal law provided civil rights protection in the South for freedmen—the African-Americans who had formerly been slaves. Reconstruction ended at different dates (the latest 1877), and was followed in each Southern state by Redeemer governments that passed the Jim Crow laws to separate the races. In the Progressive Era the restrictions were formalized, and segregation was extended to the federal government by President Woodrow Wilson in 1913.
After 1945, the Civil Rights movement gained momentum and used federal courts to attack Jim Crow. The Supreme Court declared legally-mandated, or de jure, public school segregation unconstitutional in 1954, and it ended in practice in the 1970s. The court ruling did not stop de facto, or residentially-based, school segregation, which continues today in many cities. President Lyndon B. Johnson, building a coalition of northern Democrats and Republicans, pushed Congress to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which immediately annulled Jim Crow laws that segregated restaurants, hotels and theatres; these facilities (with rare exceptions) immediately dropped racial segregation. The Voting Rights Act ended discrimination in voting for all federal, state and local elections.

2007年12月15日 星期六

《周邊美食3》「榕堤水灣」 名人愛上門


2007年12月13日 星期四

鑨辰公司 切削液清淨機、油水分離機、切削液淨化再生處裡系統(油清)

鑨辰機械公司推出自有品牌AMM切削液清淨機(Oil Coolant Clarified Equipment),將原已被視為廢棄物的切削液,經再生處理後回收再利用,大幅降低切削油成本,達到節能環保功效。

鑨辰機械公司指出,AMM切削液清淨機(Oil Coolant Clarified Equipment)能有效將切削油與水分離並過濾雜質,再利用分子還原原理把切削油與水質淨化;此外,AMM切削液清淨機(Oil Coolant Clarified Equipment)同時具有臭氧殺菌除臭功能,不需使用任何耗材,經濟效益高,AMM切削液清淨機(Oil Coolant Clarified Equipment)適用於各類工具機。

鑨辰機械公司除生產AMM切削液清淨機(Oil Coolant Clarified Equipment)外,尚提供各類有關切削液淨化再生處理系統、油水分離機的專業咨詢與服務。

2007年12月6日 星期四

佰機公司歲末清倉 友嘉QM-40SA立式綜合加工中心機特惠中

【線上工具機展記者/吳文聖 台中報導】

佰機公司代理友嘉公司各式綜合加工中心機(Machining Centers)及CNC車床(CNC Lathes),QM-40SA立式綜合加工中心機(Vertical Machining Centers)歲末清倉特惠中。

佰機公司總經理徐秋淋表示,友嘉QM-40SA立式綜合加工中心機(Vertical Machining Centers)工作台尺寸為520mm x 1,150mm,最大負重為500kgf,主軸轉速達10,000rpm,X、Y軸快速進給48米/分,Z軸快速進給30米/分,搭配24刀刀臂式換刀系統(選配),換刀時間約1.9/60HZ,動作快速順暢,該QM-40SA立式綜合加工中心機(Vertical Machining Centers)適用於金屬加工業及3C產業等,用途廣泛。

徐秋淋指出,友嘉公司除QM-40SA立式綜合加工中心機(Vertical Machining Centers)為熱門的機種外,尚有VM系列立式精密綜合加工中心機(Vertical Machining Centers)、QM系列立式高速綜合加工中心機(Vertical Machining Centers)、FV系列立式龍門加工中心機(Vertical Machining Centers)、FB系列立式綜合加工中心機(Vertical Machining Centers)、NB系列立式綜合加工中心機(Vertical Machining Centers)、VB系列立式重切削綜合加工中心機(Vertical Machining Centers)、TV系列立式鑽孔攻牙加工中心機(Vertical Machining Centers)及B系列立式龍門加工中心機(Vertical Machining Centers)。

佰機實業股份有限公司 TEL:886-4-22450966。

2007年12月4日 星期二







台灣順成頂針(Live Centers) 精度高 壽命長

【線上工具機展記者/吳文聖 台中報導】

高精密頂針(Live Centers)為工作母機與車床的第二主軸,選用精密度高、品質佳的頂針(Live Centers),能大幅提升加工精度與效率。

專業製造各式活動頂針(Live Centers)已有35年經驗的台灣順成頂針(Live Centers)科技有限公司,除擁有專業的頂針(Live Centers)製造設備外,所生產的活動頂針(Live Centers)更具多項特點,如軸承設計採間隙高緊密配合,頂針(Live Centers)溫度約50度~60度,頂針(Live Centers)主體與每一個軸承加工過程所產生的誤差值總合,經選配組裝後,每支頂針(Live Centers)的預壓值均相同,適用於高速、高精度的車削加工。

台灣順成頂針(Live Centers)科技公司所生產的活動頂針(Live Centers)採用螺帽退出型高精密頂針(Live Centers),頂針(Live Centers)拆卸更換容易;此外,頂針(Live Centers)為單面車削,頂針(Live Centers)軸承不容許有任何間隙,故所生產的高精密頂針(Live Centers)經磨合期後,不會有鬆動及不穩定的現象產生,頂針(Live Centers)壽命長。

台灣順成頂針(Live Centers)科技公司為貼近市場需求,除擁有優秀的頂針(Live Centers)售後服務團隊外,更提供各式高精密頂針(Live Centers)客製化服務。

台灣順成頂針(Live Centers)科技有限公司 TEL : 886-4-2636-1566。

金虎大公司滑輪(Pulley Block & Snatch Block)安全耐重

【金屬加工網記者/吳文聖 台中報導】

一般市面上銷售的滑輪(Pulley Block & Snatch Block)多以電銲方式製成,不僅容易脫落且安全性不足,尤其不適合拖吊重物。
專業生產滑輪(Pulley Block & Snatch Block)已有40餘年歷史的金虎大有限公司,目前生產的滑輪(Pulley Block & Snatch Block)產品多達數十種,由於品質精良,獲日本大洋公司(TAIYO)及SBK公司以OEM方式配合採購及委託長期代工,各式滑輪(Pulley Block & Snatch Block)產品均已行銷全球。
新推出的滑輪(Pulley Block & Snatch Block)是以高級鋼材一體成型方式製成,該滑輪(Pulley Block & Snatch Block)在吊鉤與橫桿結合處及橫桿與滑車兩側護板結合處,皆以鉚釘方式結合,可增加滑輪(Pulley Block & Snatch Block)的負重量,避免懸吊物因螺絲鬆脫而掉落造成操作危險,具安全性高、不斷裂、承受力強等特性。 該滑輪(Pulley Block & Snatch Block)已獲經濟部中央標準局多項新型專利認證適合船舶長年使用。此外,該系列滑輪(Pulley Block & Snatch Block)尚具多項特性如操作方便、簡單省力 、 耐用程度高、耐重能力強、使用年限長且可降低成本負擔。
金虎大有限公司生產的滑輪(Pulley Block & Snatch Block)規格由2"~12",頭形有勾頭及圓頭兩種,轉輪式樣則有一輪至三輪,各式滑輪(Pulley Block & Snatch Block),安全承受力(SLB)為3"--500ka,4"--1000ka,5"--1500ka,6"--2500ka,7"3500ka,8"--4500ka,10"--5000ka。

金虎大有限公司為慶祝成立42週年,現正舉辦回饋顧客大優待活動,各式滑輪(Pulley Block & Snatch Block)將以超優惠的價格供應業界,並徵合作內外銷。
金虎大有限公司 TEL : 886-4-2337-1793。

2007年11月30日 星期五

Artificial Intelligence: AI

Spielberg's Role: Director, Producer, Writer (screenplay)
US Release Date: 2001

just what is real?

No director is watched quite as closely as Steven Spielberg. No one... except the late Stanley Kubrick. For years now Stanely Kubrick has been working on a science fiction project. This project was always just out of reach of the technology available. It wasn't until just a few years ago when Kubrick began to think the project just might be possible in his lifetime. He started working more seriously only to be sidetracked by what would turn out to be his last film "Eyes Wide Shut".
After Kubrick's death, Steven Spielberg decided to take on the project. He had been friends with Kubrick, and believed he had an understanding of what Kubrick was looking for in the film.

AI was inspired by a short story by Brian Aldiss called Super-Toys Last All Summer Long. The story is about a family growing up in an overpopulated world of the future. A young boy and his semi-intelligent toy bear ponder the meaning of reality as young David discovers his true nature. In a world of government controlled reproduction, David's father creates synthetic life-forms for functionality, entertainment and even companionship. Imagine the confusion of a young boy, as he tries to decide - "am I real?"

"Teddy - I suppose Mummy and Daddy are real, aren't they?"

Teddy said, " You ask such silly questions, David. Nobody knows what 'real' really means."

The full text of the short story can be found at Wired.com. I suggest reading it, if you are at all interested in Science Fiction. (WARNING: since the movie hasn't been released, there is no way to tell if the story contains spoilers)


The story inspiring AI was written by Brian Aldiss, a British author who is known for his great Sci-fi. The movie, however, is not being written by Aldiss. Steven Spielberg has written the screen play himself, based on the short story by Aldiss, and (according to rumor) the personal notes of Stanley Kubrick.


Haley Joel Osment plays the lead role. Osment played Forest Gump Jr. in the film Forrest Gump. Most people, however would recognize him as the Cole Sear from The Sixth Sense. It takes one amazing 11 year old to steal the show from Bruce Willis.


Jude Law is also expected to have a lead role. No stranger to Sci-fi, Law played the disabled astronaut, Jerome in Gattca. His most recent role was opposite Matt Damon in The Talented Mr. Ripley.

Also staring in the film are:
Keith Campbell
Stuntman in many movies; most recently Mission Impossible 2
Frances O'Connor

Sam Robards
Most recently played in American Beauty, as the "partner" of Scott Bakula's character
Adam Scott
Played Josh Macon on Party of Five
Jake Thomas
Young starting actor, played "the kid" for The Man Show


Spielberg's Role: Director
US Release Date: 1975

Jaws was a blockbuster in its time, but more importantly it gave Hollywood a new perspective on what they were doing. Jaws was the first of the mass marketed super movies that we come to expect from studios today. Before Jaws, the studios cranked out a lot of small movies at low cost which only lasted a few weeks in the theaters. Jaws cost only $8.5 million to make and made $130 million in rentals in North America alone. Jaws brought the big movie concept which paved the way for movies like Star Wars, E.T. and eventually Jurassic Park and Independence Day.
Jaws was followed by a couple sequels including the Jaws 3D attraction at Universal Studios. If Spielberg had anything to do with these movies, he has hidden it well. (although another Spielberg film, Back to the Future III pokes fun of the sequels with their Jaws 13 billboard which swallows McFly).
The big break wasn't just Spielberg's. Roy Scheider and Richard Deyfuss both stared in the movie with Robert Shaw, neither of which has had trouble getting a job since.

In June of 1998, Jaws was chosen as one of the 100 best American films in the 100 year history of cinema by the American Film Institute. Steven Spielberg had more movies honored than any other director, with 5. The other 4 movies were Raiders of the Lost Ark, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, E.T., and Schindlers List. Jaws was ranked 48th.

Form: http://www.scruffles.net/spielberg/index.html

2007年11月29日 星期四

Justin Timberlake- FutureSex/LoveSounds (Deluxe Edition)

Audio CD (November 27, 2007) Label: Jive
Introduction:2007 re-issue of his sophomore album now includes three additional tracks on the audio disc, Until The End Of Time (w/Beyonce), Sexyback (New version) and Sexy Ladies (New version) while the bonus DVD (NTSC/Region 0) includes the music videos to, Sexyback, What Goes Around, Lovestoned along with the Making of's and additional live performances from all around the world. Jive.
★ 橫掃全球排行冠軍,八百萬時尚子民臣服性感,葛萊美、全英/全美音樂獎、歐/美MTV音樂獎...爆棚稱王
★ 嘻哈舞曲新品種"SexyBack"、"My Love"、"What Goes Around…Comes Around",三連發稱霸全美流行榜冠軍寶座
★ CD性感升級:三首Bonus Track有請玩美女神碧昂絲、嘻哈教母蜜西艾莉特及街頭狠將五角三大卡抬轎演唱!
★ DVD爆表登場:四首主打完整MV以及錄製過程、巡演電視演出,破天荒再收錄歐/美MTV音樂獎精彩表演,全長長達一小時,影音雙重震撼,絕對值得珍藏!滾石雜誌冊封「流行樂之王」,精湛的舞技與黑人靈式嗓音,具有麥可傑克森最佳接班人實力;出色的外型贏得GQ雜誌評選「年度風雲男性」、擊敗貝克漢入籍Company雜誌「全球最性感男人」之列2002年賈斯汀發行第一張大碟《Justified/愛你無罪》,兼負詞曲編寫與專輯製作,首週便空降英國金榜冠軍與全美流行榜亞軍,稱霸2003年Billboard年終榜「最暢銷新進藝人」、「最熱門主流藝人」與「最熱門舞曲藝人」等三大類項統計總冠軍,抱走兩座葛萊美「最佳流行男歌手」以及「最佳流行演唱專輯」大獎、兩座全英音樂獎、三座MTV音樂錄影帶大獎、三座MTV歐洲音樂獎、全美音樂獎、世界音樂獎等榮耀,全球創下七百萬張銷售量。2006年的《FutureSex/LoveSounds/愛 未來式》作品,摘下美國+英國+澳洲+加拿大等多國冠軍,全球突破八百萬張銷售紀錄,相繼奪走全英音樂獎「最佳國際男歌手」、葛萊美「最佳舞曲錄音」、「最佳饒舌/演唱合作」兩項大獎。與製作鬼才提姆巴蘭共創嘻哈舞曲新品種的三連發"SexyBack"、"My Love"以及"What Goes Around…Comes Around",全數拱入全美流行單曲榜冠軍寶座,接著"Summer Love"晉升點播榜冠軍+美國流行單曲Top6+加拿大Top8;在第五支單曲"LoveStoned/I Think She Knows Interlude"寫下美國Top17+英國Top11+加拿大Top6後,專輯全面性感升級,給你CD+DVD影音雙享受。增添:"Until The End Of Time"的摯愛男女對唱版,邀請黑珍珠碧昂絲重新詮釋,已造成排行騷動的爬入美國Top23位置;嘻哈教母蜜西艾莉特助陣的"SexyBack"饒舌混音版;輔入街頭狠將五角的"Sexy Ladies"說唱幫腔版。DVD的部份收入:四首主打完整MV以及錄製過程、全球巡演精采片段。賈斯汀的性感全面反擊,還要繼續放膽玩下去!
1. SexyBack (Behind-The-Scenes)
2. Michael Haussmann Interview (Director of SexyBack)
3. SexyBack (Video)
4. Paul Hunter Interview (Director of My Love)
5. My Love (Video)
6. What Goes Around...Comes Around (Behind-The-Scenes)
7. What Goes Around...Comes Around (Video)
8. Robert Hales Interview (Director of LoveStoned/I Think She Knows)
9. LoveStoned/I Think She Knows (Video)
10. LoveStoned/I Think She Knows (Live from Concert Prive, Paris)
11. My Love (Parkinson UK TV Performance)
12. SexyBack/My Love/LoveStoned/I Think She Knows (MTV Europe Music Awards Performance)
13. My Love/SexyBack (MTV VMA Performance)
1. FutureSex/LoveSound
2. SexyBack
3. Sexy Ladies
4. My Love
5. LoveStoned
6. What Goes Around...
7. Chop Me Up
8. Damn Girl
9. Summer Love
10. Until the End of Time
11. Losing My Way
12. (Another Song) All Over Again
13. Until the End of Time (Duet With Beyonce) - Bonus Track
14. SexyBack (Featuring Missy Elliott) - Bonus Track
15. My Love (Featuring 50 Cent) - Bonus Track

2007年11月27日 星期二


【金屬加工網記者/吳文聖 台中報導】

專業製造各式凸輪精密間歇分割器已有20餘年經驗的高錄自動化機械公司,除擁有完整的凸輪設計和加工軟體軟外,更購置先進的五軸CNC精密研磨機、德製HEIDENHAIN RON精度在1秒內的分度加工設備及三次元量測設備,所生產各類凸輪精密間歇分割器,具多項特點,如定位精度在正負30秒,適用於高速、高精度的電子機械,該精密間歇分割器無論是啟動、停止均無衝力,適宜流體包裝時選用。
高錄公司生產的精密間歇分割器尚有無滑動偏移、無累積公差、快速分割振動小、無噪音、耐久性高不需調整、可減少售後服務等優點,高錄公司表示,該精密間歇分割器適用於自動化專用機械、印刷機械、輸送機械、包裝機等及其他產業機械、間歇傳動機械。高錄自動化機械公司 TEL:886-4-2533-8761號。
